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Taking care of lingerie can sound daunting, but if you can care for bras and panties, then you already know how to care for lingerie.
Lingerie is simply undergarments. Many people tend to think of lingerie as sexy fun-wear, and it can be, but ultimately, these are all underwear. Some rules for lingerie care are exactly the same, and others vary.
How often should I wash my lingerie?
You should wash your lingerie after each wear.
Should I hand wash my lingerie or is machine washing better?
You should always hand wash your lingerie unless the label specifically says that machine washing is okay. Even then, consider that hand washing will always be your best option, and choosing to hand wash will keep the quality of your lingerie intact for much longer.
How do I hand wash my lingerie?
Always consult the label, since each fabric has a different treatment. In general, soaking in cool water with a mild detergent, then swishing the items around delicately is going to be the best way to wash your lingerie.
How do I machine wash my lingerie?
If you absolutely must machine wash (we get it – having time and energy simultaneously is scarce these days) make sure the label says it’s okay. If so, you absolutely want to use a mesh lingerie bag.
Pro tip: For lace, mesh, stockings, or other fine fabrics, no matter what the label says, you should hand wash.
How should I dry my lingerie?
For any padding or thicker pieces, gently fold them into a towel to soak up extra water. All lingerie should be lain flat or hung to dry. Any pieces with spandex or elastic should be laid to dry so that the hanging process doesn’t stretch or misshape the fabric.
Never dry your lingerie on a radiator, and if you do let it hang, be mindful that any drips don’t damage your floors or create a hazardous situation.
With a little planning and care, you can keep your undergarments in a good condition for you to enjoy for a long time!