Description of SBL Trifolium Repens 3 CH :-
Causes & Symptoms for Trifolium Repens It has a specific action on the salivary glands. Pain in the glands with excess secretion of saliva is an indication for Trifolium Repens. In complaints of mumps, with pain in the glands, cheek area, it gives good relief. Trifolium Repens helps to relieve the congestion felt in the salivary glands. Constant saliva in the mouth worse when lying down. Fear as if heart would stop working, if keeps the body still, so keeps moving. Mind and Head Fear of death with sweat on the face is relieved with Trifolium repens. Fullness felt over the face due to the affection of salivary glands. Mouth and Throat Complaints of difficulty in chewing food. Urinary complaints Complaints of burning urination is relieved with Trifolium Repens.