* Custom cut Dinosaur Bone and Turkish Purple Jadite double sided bead 2" x 3/4"
* Custom Cut Petrified Wood and Cherry Creek Jasper double sided bead 1" x 3/4"
* Hand-Made Sterling Silver Bead 3/4" x 3/4"
* 18" Bronze Chain with rubber tubing.
* 3 1/2" Jewelers Bronze extension chain with S hook.
I picked the dino bone and petrified wood because they are both fossils and the patterns felt good together. I added the sterling silver bead and mirrored the pattern of the gorgeous petrified wood. If you love tactile jewelry, this piece could be for you.
Most likely Turkish purple jade will eventually become as scarce—and as costly—as lavender jadeite. The two gemstones are not the same. There is some difference of opinion as to whether it is a jade or a rock, given that the concentration of jadeite in Turkish purple jade is measured between 40% and 60%. Since lavender/purple jade is among the rarest in the world, and Turkish purple jade does not have the luminescence or jadeite concentration of traditional gemstone jades. No matter people seem to be drawn to this stone and rumors are there is no more to be mined.
Agatized dinosaur bone is a rare form of fossilized dinosaur bone where the original fossilized bone has been re-mineralized, or replaced, with silica-based compounds, such as agate, jasper, chalcedony, or opal. You can see the cell structure in this piece.
Cherry Creek jasper are both names used after its location in China. It is found in the Cherry Creek Mine and there is a nearby creek named Red Creek. This jasper is not rare but it is beautiful jasper.
Petrified Wood is a fossilized stone that is millions of years old yet it still retains the same shape as it did in ancient times. It is classified as a semiprecious stone due to its hardness and beauty.